Start Sex Education
with your Tween

Twice a month, you'll get tips, how-tos, and resources to make starting sex education easier—all in less than four minutes.

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Welcome to Start the Talk!

Hey there, fellow parent - Jason here.Thanks for subscribing to Start the Talk.Every Saturday, you'll receive an email packed with valuable insights to help you confidently navigate those sometimes-awkward (but so important!) conversations about sex and relationships with your tween.

Here's What You Can Expect:

  • Proven tips to help you start talking to your tween about sex in a natural, shame-free way.

  • Latest research findings in adolescent sexual health that every parent needs to know.

A Little About Me:

  • In 2023, I left my job to pursue my passion: building a better sex education framework for parents of tweens.

  • I'm studying Somatic Sexology (someone who uses mind-body approaches to support sexual health, well-being and pleasure.

  • I'm a proud Kiwi dad raising two boys, aged 10 and 13, in New Zealand.

You'll receive your first email shortly!Jason